Tire Pressure

Pressure Gauges & Info

ire Maintenance Checklist

To determine the proper level of inflation for your tires, refer to the “Tire and Loading Information” (see diagram below) located either in your owner’s manual, on the door post or in your glove box. Tires should be cool when the inflation pressure is checked. If you must drive to add air to your tires, record the tire pressure first and then add the required inflation pressure when you get to a pump.

Look for the “Tire and Loading Information” in your owner’s manual, on the door or in your glove box.

Adding Air to Car Tires

Follow these simple steps:

  • Let tires cool before checking their pressure as tires tend to be more inflated when they are warm.
  • Remove the cap from the tire valve.
  • Press the tire gauge firmly onto the valve and take note of the reading.
  • If it sounds as though air is escaping, you haven’t inserted the tire gauge properly or you’re not pressing hard enough.
  • Add air according to the “Tire and Loading Information” recommendations.
  • If you can’t find this information, adding 32 pounds per square inch (PSI) usually works for most passenger cars with standard tires.
  • Return the cap on the tire valve. Repeat steps 1 to 5 on the other tires, including the spare.

Tire Pressure Gauges

A tire gauge is used to measure the air pressure in a tire in pounds per square inch (PSI). On one end of the tire gauge is a rounded tip with a small opening. This tip fits snugly over the inflation valve of a tire. A sliding scale with calibration marks is found on the other end of the tire gauge so you can determine when the recommended PSI levels for your tire have been reached.

Commercial tire gauges come in many different forms, shapes and sizes, from digital models to solar-powered energy versions. Most people who operate a car own one of those pen-styled tire-pressure gauge­s. Another type of tire gauge is attached to a commercial air compressor, such as the ones you find at a service station. Customers can activate the coin-operated compressor to add air to their tires.

Every driver can learn how to keep tires properly inflated. Underinflated tires can lead to poor fuel efficiency and tire failure. Overinflated tires can lead to loss of handling and dangerous blowouts. Check your tires before long trips and during extremely hot and cold weather conditions. And, don’t neglect the spare tire. Check the air pressure of a spare tire regularly because you never know when you’ll need it!

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