When you invest in good tires, keep them properly inflated and maintained and rotate them on a regular basis, you will enjoy trouble-free service for miles upon miles and for years to come. Discover everything you need to know about your tires with the following frequently asked questions (FAQs).
How long should my original tires last?
The majority of tires can usually last up to 80,000 miles, but there are many factors affecting tire mileage expectancy, including car built, vehicle applications, geographical conditions and driving habits. Many authorized retailers offer mileage warranties.
When should tires be replaced?
Tires are usually worn out when they have 2/32” of remaining tread depth, however, most countries have laws when it comes to the acceptable remaining tread depth of a tire.
How much air should I put in my tires?
To determine the proper level of inflation for your tires, refer to the “Tire and Loading Information” located either in your owner’s manual, on the door post or in your glove box. And, don’t forget to check the spare tire!
Should I replace my current tires with the same size tires?
Tires should always be replaced with the same size tires or with the approved options for upgrades as recommended by a vehicle manufacturer. Never choose a smaller tire.
What should I do if I notice that my vehicle has a vibration?
A vibration is an indication that your vehicle has a problem that requires immediate attention. Check the tires, steering system and suspension to determine the possible cause of the vibration so it could be corrected. If it is left unattended, it could lead to serious tire and suspension wear and could make your vehicle dangerous to drive.
Can my driving affect affect the life of my tires?
It most certainly can. Avoid speeding, taking sharp corners or curves, jumpstarting your vehicle, making abrupt stops, hitting curbs or driving over road obstructions such as potholes.
Should I rotate my tires?
Tires should be rotated every 5,000 miles unless your owner’s manual indicates otherwise. Rotating your tires on a regular basis will help you achieve more even wear and will extend their useful life.
Should I buy winter tires, summer tires or all-season tires?
The performance category of your tires depends on the driving conditions you will encounter. Select tires based on the worst driving conditions you expect to encounter. While purchasing two sets of tires may seem like an expensive route to take, in the long run, you get more out of both sets of tires and end up saving on longer total wear.
Does price guarantee value?
Ask yourself how much each tire will cost per mile. If you find the perfect tire and it costs only a few cents more per mile, does saving money today really matter when it comes to selecting the perfect tire you will be relying on for the next two to three years?
Where should tires be stores?
Tires should always be stored in an indoor environment that is cool, dry and clean. If you are storing tires for a month or more, reduce the weight from the tires by raising the vehicle or by removing the tires from the vehicle altogether.